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English language learners

This New York City school counselor uses art therapy, breathing exercises, and details from her trips to Ecuador to bond with newcomer students at her Queens elementary school.

The Colorado State Board of Education praised the school’s efforts, even though its rating and test scores remained low.

For parent Emma Gonzalez Gutierrez, one message from a teacher helped her surprise her daughter at school.

Algunos maestros dicen que las aplicaciones han ayudado a que los padres se abran sobre problemas que su hijo o familia está enfrentando. Facilitan que los maestros proporcionen más apoyo a sus estudiantes.

Migrant students and other newcomers sometimes struggle after an initial honeymoon period. A program known as STRONG gives educators tools to help students before those struggles turn into mental health crises.

District officials want instruction to be more consistent across school buildings. Staffing will be a challenge.

Aún quedan muchas preguntas por responder sobre las elecciones que darán paso a los nuevos miembros del consejo y sobre cómo funcionará.

Advocates say a bill to retain third graders could violate the civil rights of 93,000 English learners and conflicts with research on how long it takes to learn a language.

More migrant students are enrolling midyear. Because they don’t qualify for a 1966 program that helps agricultural migrant students, schools need other funding to support them.

Jesus y Leiker son dos de los más de 3,200 estudiantes recién llegados, muchos de ellos de Venezuela, que se han inscrito en las Escuelas Públicas de Denver este año.

En segundo grado, Carlota Loya Hernández pasaba mucho tiempo coloreando porque no entendía a la maestra y la maestra no la entendía a ella.

High school students learning English will have a new option to receive bilingual education in the South Ward next school year.

As a second-grader, Carlota Loya Hernández spent a lot of time coloring because she couldn’t understand the teacher, and the teacher couldn’t understand her.

Caleb Flores was shocked to learn the reason for the top-secret assembly at his school.

Some Newcomers High School students fear their school’s name puts a “target” on them, as New York City grapples with tensions surrounding the ongoing influx of migrants.

Mayor Eric Adams has argued that the limits are necessary to relieve severe overcrowding in the city’s shelter amid an unprecedented and ongoing influx of migrants.

Los estudiantes que están aprendiendo inglés logran recuperarse mejor académicamente después de COVID en distritos escolares de Colorado que ofrecen tutoría y los ayudan a mantenerse en salones regulares.