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Fewer than 1 in 10 Indiana students who enroll in community college go on to earn degrees from 4-year institutions.

This New York City school counselor uses art therapy, breathing exercises, and details from her trips to Ecuador to bond with newcomer students at her Queens elementary school.

The school hasn't yet found a location on the west side. Two other charters in Indianapolis meanwhile, still plan to open in the fall.

Mayor Cherelle Parker wants more money for the district, a greater school share of property tax revenue, and year-round school starting this fall.

The Professional Performing Arts School, a Manhattan public school with such alums as Jeremy Allen White, Alicia Keys, and Britney Spears, is losing its theater program.

Although Colorado was an early adopter of policies that helped transfer students retain their credits, the system needs an update, according to state leaders.

Gov. Ron DeSantis and LGBTQ groups have both claimed that the settlement is a win.

The charter school didn’t enroll as many students as expected so wasn’t sure it would have enough funding to open.

The Educational Nominating Panel released its list of 27 finalists for the school board Tuesday night. Mayor Cherelle Parker will forward nine to the City Council for public hearings.

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